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The Right Mix of Tools for Our Customers!
At Bishop Lifting Products, we're not aiming to be your primary tool supplier. We have no illusions of replacing big box retailers and their assortments of every tool imaginable. Instead, we focus only on the tools our customers need and use, but can't necessarily find at any given hardware store. We're talking about tools like high-quality wire rope cutters, hand swagers, log handling tools, rope deployment bags and more.
Cutting Tools
As a rigging shop, we do a lot of cutting, and we sell a lot of products that need to be cut, such as wire rope. We've tested a fair amount of the cutters on the market and we know which ones get the job done. For general purpose wire rope cutting, up to 3/8" in diameter, we recommend the HIT-22-WC24. It's a steel handled cutter that is affordable, ergonomic and time tested. For bigger jobs, up to 5/8" wire rope, check out the HIT-22-WRC26 aluminum handled cutters. They compete directly against the Swiss Felco brand, but they come in at a lower price and our customers love them.
Once your wire rope is cut, there's a good chance you need to install fittings, and a good hand swager will help you do it the right way so your fitting stays in place for the long haul. The most popular swager by far is the HIT-22-ST24C, which is a 5-cavity swager that handles 1/16" up to 3/16" common swage fittings (sleeves and stops, aluminum and copper). For professional, repeat users swaging up to 1/2" wire rope, we offer the ARM Hydraulic Cordless Hand Swager. It will leave a solid, professional-looking swage with minimal effort. And because it's battery powered, you can take it wherever it needs to go, from one jobsite or department to the next.
Logging Tools
Another major category for us is logging tools, which makes sense, because we got our start as an old-school logging supply shop here in the Pacific Northwest. And when it comes to logging tools, no brand is more popular for us than Peavey Manufacturing, which is the original peavey tool brand. They make high-quality products that hold up well, and they are a favorite among our customer base. But if you're looking for logging gear aside from peavies and cant hooks, you may want to check out our dedicated Logging Supplies page.